DUI or Drinking Under the Influrence have numerous consequences that are both emotional and legal. Because of the increasing number of injuries and deaths related to DUI, many countries and states have become outrageously concern about the lack of social responsibility. It had been enacted the penalties on the offenders should be made stiff and strict. Various laws have been enacted and covered by DUI. As you become involved in a DUI case, Read more…
Product Liability
Product liability refers to the branch of law wherein retailers, suppliers, distributors, or manufacturers that make products available for public consumption are held responsible for the injuries or damages resulting from those products. The most common claims...
Real Estate
Laws governing real estate properties are known as property laws. These laws govern various forms of real estate property and personal property within the common law legal system. It may involve different practice areas such as property management, landlord & tenant...
When thinking of securities, most people envision bonds or stocks. Apparently, any arrangements that are considered as investments such as certain types of promissory notes, participation in a pool of assets, partnership interests, agreements to invest, warrants,...
The system of taxation is used by governments in obtaining money from organizations and people. The revenue gathered from this system is used by the government to provide public services and support itself. Taxation system is relatively permanent and compulsory. It...
Toxic Torts
Toxic torts are special type of lawsuit for personal injury. In this case, the defendant claims that the exposure to chemical substance have caused the injury or disease to him or her. There are several contexts of toxic torts. Typically, people have higher chances of...
Trust, Estates, Wills, and Probate
The law of trusts and estates is regarded as a body law that governs the disposition of property and management of personal affairs of an individual in any event of death or incapacitated. This law is also known as the law of successions under the civil law. The...