DUI or Drinking Under the Influrence have numerous consequences that are both emotional and legal. Because of the increasing number of injuries and deaths related to DUI, many countries and states have become outrageously concern about the lack of social responsibility. It had been enacted the penalties on the offenders should be made stiff and strict. Various laws have been enacted and covered by DUI. As you become involved in a DUI case, Read more…
Immigration Law submits to the national policies of a government that controls the incident of migration in the country. Under this law, foreign citizens are subject to the nationality law that governs the legal status of people concerning citizenship. The immigration...
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Law refers to the quantity of distinguished types of legal properties covered by both commercial and artistic corresponding fields of law. Under this law, property owners are granted particular rights of exclusivity to various intangible assets...
Labor Attorney
In every labor lawsuit, a labor attorney would be essential even though the case has gone to court already. However, hiring a labor attorney with a title is not enough; he or she should be specialized in labor laws and equipped with additional abilities that can...
Legal Malpractice
Legal malpractice is a legal term for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, or negligence by a lawyer who causes harm to clients. It also involves negligence of the lawyer to provide legal representation or advice. A case is considered to be a legal...
When we speak of Media Law, it generally refers to many legal fields that include telecommunications, information technology, defamation, broadcasting, copyright, advertising, confidentiality, contempt, entertainment law, privacy, censorship, firm law, freedom of...
Medical Malpractice
Cases of medical malpractice will only arise when a medical patient got injured through improper procedures or actions and negligence made by a medical facility or a healthcare professional. For a medical negligence to be actionable there should be a duty owed to...
Military Law
Military Law comprises of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) along with other legal provisions for the government of individuals in the Armed Forces. This law covers the unwritten common law of the custom and utilization of military service as well as the...
Personal Injury
Personal Injury is a legal word for an injury or damage to the body, emotions, or mind. This word is commonly used to refer a kind of tort lawsuit claiming that the defendant’s injury was caused by the negligence of another party. Among the most common types of...